Street art imitates street style or Neon outfit matches the city brights

Normally, when you wear neon and brights, you don’t exactly blend in..But sometimes,  magic  happens and you just wonder:
Is life imitating art, or art imitating life?…
Here is some street brights to match my neon outfit….I dare saying that I did my neon creation first,thankyouverymuch.


Neon outfit matches graffiti


Neon outfit matches street art

My favorite neon self made coat and matching bag.


Neon outfit matches street art


Neon outfit matches street art


The neon  girl and orange machine

Piece express and neon outfit

The peace express and neon outfit


Street fountains with rainbow halo and the neon girl

I never thought I’d say that but
Sometimes blending in is a good thing…

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